In fact, without the renaissance of African American tap dancing between the 1960s quiz help 1980s, it is unlikely Riverdance would ever have came about. African American tap dancing, then, is at the very least the godparent of todays most advantageous dance show quiz help exam help true foundation of what may be called World Dance, just as African American music can be argued examination help be exam help strong basis for World Beat. This paper outlines the seminal events quiz help vital figures that led without delay from African American tap dancing examination help Riverdance. The method used exam help demonstrate the opportunity that Riverdance could not have been created were it not for African American tap dance, is exam help draw parallels quiz help elucidate convergences between the historic Irish step dance quiz help the African American tap dance forms. The event that began exam help put African American dancers back in the general public eye was the Civil Rights act of 1964. 39 After that, the African American performer was not regarded just an entertainer, but an artist, exam help full fledged member of the mainstream of dance. This is the second time LCN hosts their convention in Michigan. The group accrued at Oakland University in Rochester, Mich. in 2011. The cost examination help attend the 2 day conference is $80 for LCN contributors, quiz help $85 for non individuals. For more information, visit mylcn. org.