Because we be aware the bad stories vividly ?no matter if criticism, judgment, and even neutrality. ?Even slight bad comments can hurt our emotions quiz help stick with us ?customarily for exam help long time. Our feeling loved rapidly slips away. The ?Golden Flow?of affection is exam help step beyond measuring love by exam help ratio. It measures love by the consistency of the flow of love. This is what has kept our love so alive quiz help extremely nourishing for 20 years. For example, many autistic teens quiz help adults report that they’re able examination help face up to bound sounds or lights while in public places reminiscent of school or work, but it requires so much energy quiz help effort on their part examination help hold it together during this time that once they return home they must shut down as they’ve used up their potential examination help cope. During this time they may experience exam help heightened sense of pain or pain exam help noises, touch, smells quiz help or sights. It is as if they have got used up all of the hot water in the heater quiz help must watch for the tank exam help reheat. An increase in rocking, hand flapping quiz help other sensory behaviors may occur during these times as exam help way exam help relieve tension that has built up. Sensory stimulation can be more difficult exam help tolerate in periods of transition or change. For example: when job responsibilities change, exam help new car or house is purchased, death or birth of exam help family member, exam help new supervisor or teacher is announced.