Satisfaction is sourced when we focus on providing facilities examination help consumers. This study was conducted examination help evaluate demographic elements that affect exam help person’s choice in buying products online. The study of demographic affects on online searching selections has taken place since 1995 Fram quiz help Grady, 1997; Kunz, 1997; Mehta quiz help Sivadas, 1995; Sultan quiz help Henrichs, 2000; Stafford et al. , 2004; Punj, 2011; Richa, 2012; Rahaman, 2014. This customer demographic study will help stores make decisions according to the characteristics of their customers even if they need to run their agencies online or classic means. For example, Haver 2008 states that during yearung age groups called ‘green shopper’ or beginner generation is more widespread examination help use shopping online. NSTP CWTS Modules on Environment; Quezon City; Philippine Vibal Publication House Pp. 104 109Guzman, A. , quiz help Reyes, J. 2003. Solid Waste Management Options quiz help Solutions act the Local Level: Philippines Canada Local Government Support Program. Pp 7 8.